Love is a Battlefield tournament on 02/11
Location: Starcastle
Welcome Raleigh Junior Rollers, and Columbia Junior Rollers
RJR vs SJRD - whistle blows at 10:30am
RJR vs Columbia Killer B's - whistle blows at 12:45pm
SJRD vs Columbia All stars - whistle blows at 2:50pm
Bring chairs seating is limited.
Here is the full schedule
Skaters please bring a signed liability waiver with you link below
You can email the signed waiver prior to the event to
Admission $10 presale price for anyone other than skaters, refs, and volunteer NSO (children 10 and under free). Admission day of $12.
If the Star Castle Parking lot is full, overflow parking will be at Chatham Academy, across the street.
To volunteer, you are required to have your background check, volunteer registration and concussion complete prior to the event.